Friday, August 23, 2013

Hi. Welcome to my new blog.

I'm starting a new blog for a couple of reasons:

a)  to hopefully complete a few of the projects I intend to get done.  Maybe if I tell 'someone' I'm going to do it, then it will get me moving my butt quicker to get it done.

b) to credit some of the other bloggers out there who I have gotten ideas and inspiration from.

c) to share some things that have worked for me and hopefully someone else will find useful.

I became a stay at home almost 17 years ago when my oldest son was born.  I was learning by the seat of my pants and enjoying it enough to add two more children to our family, another son and a daughter.  At that point, things switched into survival mode and I got very few of my organizing goals accomplished.

When our youngest was three (8 years ago) we also had our own home built adding to the turmoil we were living in.  I designed our home and have been overall very happy with it.  After eight years though, there are some areas that need attention, artwork that was never hung, kids rooms that need updating, etc.etc.  While I've been busy organizing meal time, kids schedules, vacations, etc. the house has been overlooked and I want to get at it!

I have always been interested in organizing, but I'm also enough of a perfectionist that if I couldn't 'do it right' then I didn't do it at all.  As result, a lot  most of the time I'm very frustrated by the state of our home.  I've made a pledge to myself that I'm going to just start doing something - not perfect, but progress.  As a mom, September always feels like the beginning of a new year to me, so while my kids are starting school, I'm starting to get our home looking better and running smoother.  Wish me luck!!

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